I blew the conch and assembled a team
It was clear that I wouldn't be able to do this alone. Rather, if I did it alone, there would be gaps in the experience. I knew nothing about design, brand strategy, marketing tools... so I gathered a few friends together (including the people who I contracted for Velikan brand design) and a college roommate, and basically said, "hey I have this idea that I think will be successful and I'd love to have you guys be a part of it."
I also said: “I can’t pay you anything.”
With equity agreements in place, we moved forward to turn my "curriculum" into a 25-email sequence that could be purchased from a Shopify store. That was in October of 2019. I thought we'd be live by January to market to all the New Year's Resolutioners.
I was mistaken.
The story continues in the next fast-forward.